Tuesday, November 13, 2018

6 Reasons Why You Should Hang Your Laundry on a Clothesline



1. It will save you money.

 Let's do the math. The average cost of running your dryer 1 hour per day is $0.33*.  $0.33 x 365 days= $120.45.  Hanging out just 1 load of laundry per day for a year can save you $120.   Could you use an extra $120 per year in your budget? What if you hang out more than 1 load per day, say 2 or 3?


2. It's better for the environment.

At Volcanoes National Park
Drying your clothes can reduce your carbon emissions between 500 and 2,400 pounds** per year.


3. The sweet smell of line dried clothes is induplicable.

Have you ever smelled line dried clothes? The candle scent is not anything like it. The real smell of line dried clothes is distilled summer.

4. White clothes whiten naturally.

 The sun is the most natural type of bleach available.  Hanging out laundry is an easy and old-fashioned way to whiten yellowed towels and fade stains.

5. Your sheets are crisp.

Sheets straight from the line are just like you ironed them.

6. It's easy!

It takes only 10 minutes to hang a load of clothes out. It's even easier when you have heirloom quality clothespins to use like TerraPins.
 * Statistics take from:www.energy.gov/energysaver.
 ** According to www.greenamerica.org/green-living/ditch-your-dryer

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